Amigas, amigos,
Les re-transmito el mensaje de Mathias Craig para que participen en votar a favor del proyecto de Blue Energy implementado en Monkey Point.
Deposite su voto en:
María Dolores Álvarez.
Amigos y Amigas:
Solicito su VOTO en el sitio web de CNN Heroes para Mathias Craig (basta visitar el link siguiente: Por favor seleccione a Mathias Craig como el candidato de su preferencia y vote! Su voto ayudara a la labor que blueEnergy realiza instalando sistemas de energía renovable -turbinas de viento- en las comunidades de la Costa Caribe de Nicaragua.
El programa CNN Heroes culminara con una trasmisión en vivo conducida por Anderson Cooper con Christiane Amanpour desde el Museo de Historia Natural en Nueva York el próximo 6 de Diciembre, los héroes nominados y seleccionados por el publico, por el mayor numero de votos a favor, recibirán un reconocimiento especial y un premio en efectivo.
La votación en la categoría Community Crusader -gente ordinaria haciendo cosas extraordinarias- en la que se encuentra Mathias Craig esta en linea y termina el próximo Lunes 29 de octubre. Agradeceremos que reenvie este mensaje a su familia, amigos y colegas solicitando su apoyo. Para mayor información sobre este proyecto le invitamos a visitar el sitio web de blueEnergy.
Vote for Mathias Craig and blueEnergy
----- Original Message -----
From: Mathias J.Craig
To: Mathias J. Craig
Sent: Thursday, October 25, 2007 11:48 PM
Subject: Help blueEnergy win the CNN Heroes Viewers' Choice (Public message to send out to friend, family for CNN Heroes vote)
Dear Friend of blueEnergy -
It has come to our attention that it appears that voters can vote multiple times in the CNN Heroes Viewers' Choice Awards. Our key opponent, Josh Sundquist, appears to have been using this method to compete with us, while we were under the impression that only two (2) votes could be placed per computer. It is a very tight race and we need your help to spread the word to get voters mobilized. Please use the message below to get this new information out to your networks in support of blueEnergy's efforts. Time is of the essence and your help is most appreciated!!!
Dear Friend of blueEnergy -
Thank you! Your support for blueEnergy over the past week has been truly humbling. When blueEnergy was first nominated as a CNN Hero, no one thought that a small nonprofit company serving rural Nicaragua would stand a chance of winning the Viewers' Choice Award. And yet here we are in a tight race to win the first round of voting. Earlier today blueEnergy had a 500 vote lead over the next closest nominee. But then something happened.
Another nominee began to circulate an email to his supporters. In it he writes:
Please consider spending five or ten minutes each day voting . . . It's really quick—you can easily vote 100 times in less than 10 minutes . . . To vote, just put a checkbox beside my name and click "Vote." To vote again, just click "reload" in your browser. NOTE: It takes about 15 minutes for your votes to show up in the vote tallies. But don't worry, they all get counted!
I must admit -- that email shocked me. I had assumed that CNN wanted the voters to abide by the idea of one person, one vote. But apparently I was wrong. CNN has been unable to assure me that there is a system in place to limit people to one vote per person. Apparently, people are allowed to vote as often as they like!
So I am asking you one more time to please vote for blueEnergy, and in the process, for Nicaragua. And then vote again.
To act, go to: and select "Mathias Craig" then click "Vote!" at the bottom of the selection area. If you have time to vote multiple times, please do so. All you need to do is refresh the page.
The second round of voting will be between the finalists of each category (6 finalists in total) and will run from November 12 - 26; if blueEnergy makes it that far, we'll need your support a second time. The prize at stake is $25,000 and publicity at the CNN Heroes special finale live broadcast with Anderson Cooper on December 6th. I don't need to tell you how much this would mean to blueEnergy. If you've always wanted to contribute to blueEnergy but just haven't had the financial resources, you can have a bit impact right now by investing some time in getting the vote out for blueEnergy.
Thanks in advance for your support!
Feel free to translate this message into French and Spanish and please forward it on to all. This vote means a lot to blueEnergy and your support is most appreciated.
Mathias J. Craig [in San Francisco]
Executive Director and Co-Founder
local people, local materials, local energy
22 Margrave Place, #5 / San Francisco, CA 94133 / USA
alt. email:
office: +1 202 744 5840
mobile: +1 415 509 0155
fax: +1 801 730 9576
Make Mathias Craig and blueEnergy the CNN Heroes Viewers' Choice by Voting Here:
viernes, 26 de octubre de 2007
Año Sabático
Maestria de Antropologia Social con mención en Desarrollo Humano
Pueblos Indígenas
Tormentas y Huracanes